BEERJET Mobile 6
A New Generation Of Beerjet!
More than a facelift. Enhanced features, a larger glass height and new powerful technology added to the lighter frame for better performance.
Ideal for a temporary installation in stadiums and arenas. Pours 6 beers in 7 seconds, close to 1000 in one hour. Consistent quality, always the same volume and no spillage. Controlled with the touch of a button. Continue to use your chosen glasses to keep disposable costs to an absolute minimum. Multiple purchase arrangements....

Single use and reusable cups or
glasses, no matter, Beerjet can
serve them all.

Small & Large
From 0.2 to 1 litre, from small
to large with BeerJet size
really doesn't matter.

Keg & Tank
Beerjet dispenses from keg
and tank equally well
whether for fixed or mobile operations.